Introductory Post

Welcome to DailySmile.Org. I have tried running several versions of this site over the past 3 years or so, going from a blog to a private forum, to a movies forum, and finally back to a blog. The reason for all these various transitions have been the fact that I had no idea what I really wanted to do.

Well, life is a learning process. And, due to my experiences in the past, I have evolved to a point where I know what I really want. I have decided to keep a closed blog that I would use to vent out all the little itsy-bitsy details in my life. Some of the entries would fall under global politics which I have deep interests in, and some of the posts would have their focus in Science. Very few entries would be technical.

You are most welcome to drop in. I would probably allow guest bloggers on my website from time to time, and if you would like to do so, please drop me an email. You are most welcome to stay on my site and have enjoy my posts. If you do not agree to my viewpoint, please stay away.

Thanks, and have a nice stay.
- Amit.


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